Sunday, November 23, 2008

Going to Cameroon

So, its official, we have our tickets to fly from Dakar to Douala on the 22nd of December after of 4 days of fighting with online travel agencies, who for some reason did not want to take our money, go figure. Big relief on our part, as we were looking at missing the holidays with him, arriving in January. Now everything is on track and we will be to Braggs place in Cameroon by the holidays. We will most likely be there for at least 2 months, traveling in Cameroon and becoming involved with some of the projects that he and other Peace Corps folks are working on.
Some have asked for a mailing address while I am in Cameroon. I have Braggs address below. Keep in mind that you need to have his name on it, and that it can take upwards of a month for letters and packages to make it there from the states.

Rev Brian Bragg
c/o Peace Corps
PO Box 215
Yaounde Cameroon

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Had lunch with Grandma and Papa on Saturday. They said to tell you hi and they hope you're having fun.

Love ya muchly
